08 January 2009

The Exorcist

Sounds of Silence
Ring in the New Year

Ring away the heartache
Ring away the strife

There is a hole in the wall, with blood signaling the fist that made it.

Interpreting Humanity Through Haikus!

The Opening hand
Feels the warmth of the sun’s rays
Oh, to taste freedom!

Happiness is within
Obtaining a blissful moment
Hark, a Festival comes!

Sleep strains someone’s soul
Luring through its lullabies
Good Night and Good Luck!

An illusion of love
Comes from a simple dreaming state
I paint with Dawn’s Colors!

Eden’s Garden

Life is an apple

With its outer red exterior, it stirs

A triumph, a sorrow

Wriggles around, within this red…

A worm lives!

The apple’s core is inside this red fruit

Holding the seeds for future apples,

The seeds are secure, for their future growth and development.

Now tunneling out of the apple, the worm has now left a nice circular hole,

The seeds succumbing to the great wind,

As man is great

As man is evil

Only an apple a day can keep the doctor away!

Faerie Dust

A finger is over my mouth,
Two palms are over my eyes!

I skip on over to the happy forest
Babbling with green, the sunlight plays upon the glossy green of a leaf
The colors of the earth alive,
I am suddenly caught in the arms of my playmate
Picking me up and twirling me around
I am enveloped into this moment
A jovial bliss, I am finally on the ground
And suddenly, I cannot talk
I cannot see
I ask what is going on.

The queen approaches, her light footsteps felt by all
A shimmer of light transcends these palms over my eyes
Of gold, of silver, I am suddenly surrounded
Not by one, but by many
Finally able to open my eyes, I find the forest transformed
Into light, into happiness
Flowers spring up, birds sing, trees dance
As my playmate is a faerie
As his mother, the queen of all faeries embraces me
Making me a faerie princess,

I find that dreams
Do come true!