29 July 2012


With her license
She is off!

Exploring sights,
Soaring to new heights
Never tired from this newfound freedom
She rides like the wind!

Until one day when she rides no more
An accident almost claiming her life
Unfolds before her in a hospital bed
Where she is motionless.

"What are you going to tell your Mom" asks the nurse
"I'm not"
With her quick response to this ever fast event, she waits
Until the Day of Judgement

For the Scriptic  prompt exchange this week, Jester Queen at http://jesterqueen.com gave me: "What are you going to tell your Mom?"/ "I'm not." 

I had given kgwaite at http://writinginthemarginsburstingattheseams.blogspot.com/ this prompt: Cradle of Civilization